Board Committees

Audit Committee

Without impacting the board's other responsibilities and tasks, the audit committee shall follow the group's financial reporting, financial risk management, internal control, accounting, and auditing.

The audit committee comprises Anders Bengtsson, Håkon Welde and Petra Einarsson (chairman).

The audit committee's primary duties, according to the Code, are

  • monitor the company's financial reporting,
  • concerning the financial reporting, monitor the effectiveness of the company's internal control and risk management
  • stay informed about the audit of the annual report and consolidated accounts,
  • inform the board about the results of the audit and how the audit contributed to the reliability of the financial statements, as well as about the tasks the committee has had,
  • quality-assured year-end communique and interim reports before the board's decision,
  • review and monitor the auditor's impartiality and independence and, in doing so, pay attention to whether the auditor provides the company with services other than audit services,
  • assist in the preparation of proposals for the general meeting's decision on the election of auditors, and
  • follow up the work, including legal compliance regarding the environment, work environment and other sustainability issues, for example, the outcome of the ISCC certifications.


Remuneration Committee

The remuneration committee proposes, monitors and evaluates the application of programs and principles for remuneration and terms of employment for senior executives and the board.

The remuneration committee comprises Anders Bengtsson (chairman), David Schelin and Tina Helin.

The primary duties of the remuneration committee are regulated according to the Code:

  • Prepare the board's decisions on matters relating to principles for compensation, benefits and other terms of employment for the executive management,
  • monitor and evaluate variable compensation programs, both ongoing and those completed during the year for executive management; and
  • monitor and evaluate the application of the guidelines for remuneration to the board and executive management, which the annual general meeting is legally obliged to determine, as well as current remuneration structures and levels in the company.