Biokraft is one of the largest producers of liquid biogas in Northern Europe.


We enable a more sustainable society


We transform organic waste and residual products into renewable energy and biofertiliser for a better tomorrow

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Business model

Our business model is primarily focused on building, owning, and operating large-scale biogas plants resource-efficiently per our self-developed HOLD Technology™. We can also offer long-term partnerships for technical consulting and operations of biogas plants designed by our concept.


Biokraft contributes to a fossil-free society by recycling local organic waste converted into renewable biogas and biofertilisers. Biokraft's goal is to be a leader in the large-scale production and sale of biogas and biofertiliser, and thereby work to increase the share of biogas in the European energy mix.

The company primarily focuses on growing liquid biogas for heavy road transport in Northern Europe. In the longer term, demand for biogas is expected to increase from shipping and heavy industry.

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Operational goal 2024

Biogas production capacity equivalent to 600 GWh by 2024.



Financial objectives 2024

  • The operating income must amount to at least SEK 650 million.
  • Operating EBITDA margin must amount to at least 30 percent.
  • The equity ratio must amount to at least 25 percent on an ongoing basis.
Offer4 (matavfallspåsar)

Sustainability objectives

  • Reduction of CO2 equivalents must amount to 170,000 tonnes (base value in 2021 approximately 93,000 tonnes).
  • Biokraft must have zero work-related injuries that lead to sick leave

Long term ambition and strategy

We aim to reach a production capacity of 3 TWh by 2030

Biokraft's vision of a sustainable world that produces bioenergy and plant nutrition in a circular cycle will be achieved through investments in production capacity. We have an ambitious growth plan to reach a production capacity of 3 TWh (approx. 0.5). We invest in new and existing facilities. The investment cost to expand annual production capacity by 1 GWh is SEK 4-6 million.

Biokraft focuses on increasing the production capacity for liquefied biogas, which has clear advantages when it comes to transport and logistics. Biokraft must also defend and develop its leading market position through continued investments in technical leadership via HOLD Technology. The strategic growth plan consists of five main areas.